
Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 26: Survive St. Paddy's Day

As I have recently posted, I had the privilege of going to Carrolton, MO this week for work. Population 4,122. The problem: St Paddy's is my favorite holiday (Scottish-Irish, hello?), green is my favorite color. I love seeing it everywhere. So imagine my disappointment when I found I would be stuck in an unfamiliar small town on my favorite day. But my girl/coworker Stephanie (aka RED)and I made the best of the situation. Here are a few rules/guidelines/steps to follow if you ever find yourself stranded in Carrolton MO (or any other small town for that matter) on St Patrick's Day.

9 Steps to Surviving St Paddy's Day in a Small Town: Carrolton, MO edition. 

Step 1: Find local watering hole.

This fine establishment was known as "Wasted Space" how ironic. 

Step 2: Steal green Budweiser swag from the local distributor.

This will not only make you festive, but also make you  popular with the locals.  They love them some Bud swag, and will do anything to get it from you. Trust me on this one.

Step 3: Locate pool table.

This always serves as entertainment, no matter your skill level. Pool. Is. Fun. Good way to make friends, (or in my case mouth the kid that strutted in with own pool cue and then biffed on his first break.)

 Step 4: Use whatever prop necessary to make your pool playing sucessful.

Stephanie used this lovely to really smack those balls hard. I think you will be seeing this method used at the Pool Championships on ESPN next year.

Step 5: Make your way to the dance floor.

If there is no dance floor. Simply make your own. If there is no music. Make your own. This will also make you extremely popular with the locals. They love hearing the sound of my singing. It reminds them of a dying cow. Sidenote: if you can get something that blinks, or flashes, or both, to take on the dance floor with you it is a major plus. The point is to make everyone look at you. (because they totally haven't noticed the extremely obnoxious "city girls" that "aint from around here" at this juncture in the evening)

Step 6: Locate guy in Affliction tshirt and compliment on his sparkles.

I guarantee if you are in a Midwest bar there will be at least one dude in a sparkly tshirt. Its hip. Stamped it.

Step 7: Take your talents outside.
Don't spend all your time inside the smoked filled barn tin can. Check out the surrounding perimeter and see what funny pictures you can take. Or hang from a blinking Stephanie displays below.

Step 8: Flex your muscles.

Let em know there is a lil Irish Fight in ya!

Step 9: Get back to hotel safely.

There you have it! 9 Steps to surviving St Paddy's Day in a small town!

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