
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 139: Outfit: Check... Now I Just Need the Interview

Ok, Ok, I know that I am under strict shoe shopping ban (like this ever works) after I discovered I have over 60 pairs of shoes. That is a tad embarrassing. I probably wear 10 of them religiously. See what had happened was....I went into Payless the other day (I swear it was only to get Josh's birthday present, he wanted these somewhat ugly pair of Airwalks, because it was his birthday I gave in.) And the nude pumps I originally wanted for $24.99 were on sale for $9. I couldn't pass 'em up (I notice I use this phrase quite a bit when trying to justify my shoe purchases)

There was something about this "blouse" that caught my eye in the Goodwill...I have been searching high and low for a desk, and I just couldn't resist browsing the women's section. I've said this before, I am not a pink person (and it was a size 12, and ick, polyester!) but I brought it home anyways, only set me back $3.

I decided to practice my interview outfit for when the time comes. If you build it they will come (yes I know a Filed of Dreams reference has absolutely no reference here) They are supposed to let me know about the phone interview tomorrow. I haven't given up all hope yet, but its not looking good sportsfans :(
Pumps: Payless $9, Skirt: Goodwill (Loft) $3, Top: Goodwill $3

Got this necklace from F21, I wanted a similar one from Francesca's but it was $38 dolla...this one was $6...much better

Happy Thrifty Thursday everyone.
Items Thrifted:
Blouse: Goodwill $3
Skirt: Goodwill $3


  1. What a perfect interview outfit- I just love hot pink and turquoise together! (I use the same justifications when I know I shouldn't be shopping- has to be done!)

  2. That skirt is kind of an amazing goodwill find! Thanks for linking up!
