
Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 75: Rainy Days=Inside Picture

Ok weather, seriously? Let's get something straight here, this is Colorado and we have 300 days of sunshine. It would be nice if those 65 cloudy days wouldn't come right in a row. Ok, it hasn't been 65 days of rain...but its been 4 and that is enough! Enough I say!

So Today is the 20th and I've only posted 11 outfits on my 30 for 30. I've missed that many days? Weak sauce. I'm horrible at this. But hey I'm trying!

The gloom has brought me inside today, the lighting in my room is horrible (yeah, lets go with that excuse!) so my face looks a little busted. Day 5 on the glasses today, I get to try to put my contacts in tomorrow WHOOOHOOOO!
Boots: Gifted, Jeans: Thrifted, Tank: Thrifted, Cardigan: Gifted, Scarf: Made by Moi

I made this here scarf with my own two hands, it is super easy, if you would like to make one too, check it out here

By the numbers
#11) Tan Boots, Charming Charlies, Gift from momma
#21) Light Jeans, Banana Republic, Goodwill $5
#15) Yellow Tank, Goodwill $3
#9) Cardigan, Forever 21, Gift from friend Danielle
Scarf: Made by me, out of my  favorite Tshirt (it got too holey to wear so it lives on as a scarf)

Happy Friday everyone!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That scarf is so fantastic.I definitely want to try to make one!
